quarta-feira, 4 de junho de 2014

REC 6o Anos

1)Escolha o Adjetivo Possessivo correto para as seguintes frases:  
a)Maria left ......... notebook on the bus.
(   )HER           (   )HIS            (   )ITS             (   )YOUR        (   )MY             (   )OUR

 b) They love …….. school.
(   )HER           (   )HIS            (   )ITS             (   )YOUR        (   )MY             (   )THEIR

 c)João played ......... guitar church.
(   )HER           (   )HIS            (   )ITS             (   )YOUR        (   )MY             (   )THEIR

d) We ate ……… cake.
(   )HER           (   )HIS            (   )ITS             (   )YOUR        (   )MY             (   )OUR

2) Escolham a opção com o artigo indefinido A ou AN que melhor preenche os espaços em branco.

a) Guilherme is...............honest man.

b) They have…….....one-hour lesson every week.

c) I have............big family.

d) She lives in ............house.

e) We saw….…... elephant at the Zoo.

3) Passe as seguintes frases para o interrogativo:

a)    She loves her cats.

b)    They are your best friends.

c)    He has two sisters and a brother.

d)    I am an excellent student.

4) Complete as frases usando THIS,  THAT, THESE ou THOSE:

a)                                                                     ___________ are some ____________________ .

b)                                                                     ___________ is a _______________________ .


c)                                                                       ___________ are my ___________________ .

      ___________ is a ________________________ .

school – church – books – magazines – newspaper – cell phones – students – teacher

5) Responda em inglês:

a)    Do you have an iPhone?

b)    What is the name of your best friend?